The Superpowers of Pasture Raised Organ Meat

written by

Jared Frye

posted on

January 11, 2024

Organ meats have been touted as the best parts to consume from animals since humans began eating meat! Even before technology allowed us to measure the nutritional benefits of organ meat, Native Americans knew they held benefits and were good for their health and wellbeing.

Amazingly, they are one of the most concentrated, natural sources of just about every nutrient we need to thrive.  They are extremely rich in B12 and folate as well as rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, selenium, and zinc. Nutrients that are beneficial to everyone and can contribute to almost any diet.

Here are a few types of organ meat and the benefits they offer.

1. Liver

When it comes to organ meats, beef liver is the reigning champion. Although beef liver does not taste good if not appropriately prepared, there is hardly a more nutritious food.

Above all, the liver can provide precisely those nutrients that are difficult to find elsewhere:

  • Choline is healthy for the brain and cell membranes.
  • Copper is essential for the absorption of iron in the intestine.
  • Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells.
  • Zinc is healthy for hormone production and the immune system.
  • Folate is essential for energy production, methylation, DNA repair.
  • Vitamin A1 (retinol) is healthy for the eyes and the immune system.
  • Vitamin B12 is essential for cellular energy production.
  • Since copper deficiency can cause blood deficiency (anemia), beef liver is one of the rare natural sources of copper that can help.

2. Heart

The heart is rich in a powerful antioxidant called Coenzyme Q10 or Ubiquinone-10.

And this CoQ10 can stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol – the process that makes it dangerous in the blood – and thus greatly helps prevents cardiovascular disease.

In terms of its antioxidant effect, CoQ10 is ten times more potent than, for example, vitamin E, making CoQ10 one of the most potent antioxidants lowering inflammation.

Additionally, CoQ10 improves the production of ATP, the cellular energy carrier, and thus can contribute to cancer prevention.

Although it is full of minerals, the heart muscle tastes more like muscle than organ meat.

3. Tongue

The micronutrient profile of the tongue is very similar to other types of meat. While it contains many minerals, it is also quite rich in fat.

High in iron, zinc, choline, and B12 this is another great option for getting that high dose of natural nutrients. And being so rich in fat, when prepared properly, it is extremely tender to eat!

4. Kidneys

The kidneys have a similar nutrient profile to the liver. Accordingly, they also contain very high selenium.

This antioxidant mineral has a particularly anti-inflammatory effect and reduces cell stress, support muscle growth, improve immune function, and overall health and wellness.

5. Tail

Although oxtails are not organs, they are still considered organ meat.

As these gelatinous cuts are rich in revitalizing collagen, they are perfect for stews, soups, and broth. And are a great way to naturally consume collagen helping with bone loss, increase muscle mass, relieve joint pain, and improve skin health reducing wrinkles and dryness.

Organ Meat Health Benefits

Well, now we know that our ancestors were probably right in preferring organ meat over steak.

Due to the health benefits of organ meat, they can serve as a more absorbable multivitamin supplement, ranging from disease prevention to weight loss and detox.

1. Weight Loss

Many studies have shown that high-protein diets can reduce appetite and increase the feeling of satiety.

For example, they do this by significantly slowing down the emptying of the stomach.

But few know that they can also increase the metabolic. Furthermore, many B vitamins in organ meat help build healthy muscle mass and burn body fat for energy.

2. Muscle Gain

First, organ meat is a source of high-quality protein, which is vital for building and maintaining muscle mass.

Second, they provide leucine. As this is the most anabolic essential amino acid, it stimulates muscle growth on a cellular basis.

3. Cognition

Organ meat is one of the world’s best sources of choline, an essential nutrient for the brain, muscles, and liver, of which you can hardly get enough.

According to the study, choline improves cognitive performance, anxiety, and mood disorders (Poly et al. 201119).

Furthermore, offal contains easily absorbable heme iron, which can support brain function, and the brain itself also supplies omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn are even more organ meat health benefits for your brain.

4. Detoxification

As explained above, heart is full of Coenzyme Q10, which is one of the most potent natural antioxidants you can find. Moreover, even a small piece of beef liver can cover the entire daily requirement of another essential coenzyme: Molybdenum.

Since molybdenum, which is responsible for converting sulfites into sulfates, helps the body break down alcohol and other toxins, it improves the metabolism of drugs and alcohol.

5. Energy

CoQ10 is not only a potent compound regarding detoxification but also when it comes to energy production.

After CoQ10 helps mitochondria to produce ATP, the cellular energy carrier, more efficiently, studies have shown that an increased intake of CoQ10, i.e., from beef heart, can improve energy levels.

Additionally, the numerous B vitamins in organ meat support the burning of fat as an energy source, making them ideal for a ketogenic diet.

6. Radiant Skin

Beef organ meat is one of the rare natural sources of vitamin A1 (retinol).

This antioxidant protects skin cells from oxidative stress, such as ultra-violet light. Accordingly, it can slow down the aging process, promote skin renewal, smooth out wrinkles, and counteract acne.

Additionally, most organ meat is an excellent source of collagen, which not only brings health benefits for the skin but also the hair.

Organ Meat Benefits Outperform Supplements

Organs such as the liver, heart, and kidneys are natural superfoods that not only yield health benefits but also help in the absorption of nutrients.

When you take vitamins or minerals in isolation, such as a pill, the body cannot absorb them properly.

Natural foods, exceptionally organ meats, help to absorb nutrients better. For example, vitamins A, D, and K are called fat-soluble vitamins because you need to consume them with fat for optimal bioavailability.

Organs already provide this total package of healthy fats, minerals, and vitamins. Moreover, they offer a much broader spectrum than a single supplement.

As you guys know, we want to support our ecosystem and our community. We preach a lot about knowing your farmer and knowing where your food comes from….when you purchase a supplement, the ingredients of which could contain synthetic materials, there’s no telling where it came from or the level of it’s quality of the ingredients.

A lot of folks are scared to consume organ meats…I have been for a long time! But as we continue to improve ourselves we realize we need to continue to grow and expand our own horizons which is why organ meats have become an integral part of our diets.

We know where it came from, we know how it was raised, and we know what we are putting into our bodies!

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